Financial Columnist

Ken Fisher is a regular contributor to several publications, including the New York Post in the United States; the Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; Australia’s most read newspaper, The Australian; Denmark’s leading business newspaper, Børsen; Ireland’s The Business Post; Singapore’s The Business Times; Taiwan’s Business Weekly; Caixin—often called the “Bloomberg of China”; Israel’s Calcalist; South Korea’s largest business paper, Chosun Weekly Biz; Japan’s Diamond Weekly; Spain’s largest business website and newspaper, elEconomista; Saudi Arabia’s Al Eqtisadiah; Mexico’s El Financiero; Germany’s Focus Money; Canada’s most read newspaper, The Globe and Mail; Switzerland’s leading business paper, Handelszeitung; the Hong Kong Economic Journal; Argentina’s Infobae; Belgium’s La Libre; the United Arab Emirates’ The National; France’s L’Opinion; Sweden’s Privata Affärer; Italy’s third-largest newspaper and number one business paper, Il Sole 24 Ore; the Netherlands’ largest newspaper, De Telegraaf; and Austria’s Trend.

Ken is perhaps best known for his "Portfolio Strategy" column in Forbes magazine, which ran from 1984 through 2016, making him the longest continuously running columnist in Forbes’ history. You can navigate the full history of Ken Fisher’s market calls through his writings in Forbes via the Ken Fisher interactive timeline.

Not all past forecasts were, nor future forecasts will be, as accurate as those presented here. Forecasts are Ken Fisher's personal forecasts of the overall market as published in Forbes and do not represent the performance of Fisher Investments. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing in securities involves the risk of loss.

한때 답답했고 애태웠지만...이젠 뜨거워진 커뮤니케이션 주식

By Ken Fisher, Chosun Ilbo, Thursday, July 25, 2024

인공지능(AI) 열풍 속에서 테크주가 올해 가장 뜨거운 섹터란 사실은 놀랍지 않다. 그런데 글로벌 주식 시장을 밀어 올린 강력한 2위 섹터인 ‘커뮤니케이션 서비스’는 잘 알려져 있지 않다. 과연 이것은 무엇일까? 강세를 이어나갈 수 있을까? 그렇기도 하고 아니기도 하다. 테크 같은 기업과 전통적인 통신사가 혼재된 이 섹터는 산업적·지형적 변화를 담고 있다.

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Communication services sector roars ahead as ASX lags

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, Sunday, July 21, 2024

It comes as little surprise that tech is 2024’s top-performing global sector amid AI hype and hope. But the little-known communication services sector is right behind, boosting global stocks’ 15.4 per cent returns through to July 5 – with its absence Down Under partly explaining the ASX’s lag. So what is communication services? Where can Aussies shop for it? And can its hot run last? Yes … and no. This sector’s odd mix of growthy, tech-adjacent firms and old stodgy telecom tells a tale of diverging industries. Let me explain.

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How will this ‘wacky’ 2024 election impact stocks? Maybe not how you think

By Ken Fisher, New York Post, Sunday, July 21, 2024

Inflation! Jobs! Deficits! Tariffs! Regulation! Tax cuts! Tax hikes! Yes – there are plenty of economic questions to worry about when it comes to the 2024 election – and that’s aside from which candidate is getting shot at and which is confusing his opponent with his running mate. So what does all the outsize election drama mean for stocks?

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By Ken Fisher, Caixin, Thursday, July 18, 2024


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Ken Fisher: Meet the new market darling rivalling tech’s cosmic growth

By Ken Fisher, The Business Post, Thursday, July 18, 2024

Shocking no one, tech is 2024’s top-performing global sector amidst AI hype and hope. But the less-seen and little-known communication services sector is right behind—boosting global stocks during the Iseq’s early-summer swoon. So what is it? And can its hot run last?

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The only really effective way to rein in Big Tech

By Ken Fisher, The Globe and Mail, Thursday, July 18, 2024

Tax Big Tech from Toronto to Timbuktu? Break it to bits? Pandering politicians worldwide claim tech’s behemoths are too dominant – and that requires regulatory crackdowns. You hear Canadian regulators touting international tech taxes They aren’t alone. European politicians yapped endlessly about “fixes” during the run-up to recent European Union elections. America’s looming November vote fans similar break-up-the-biggies talk.

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By Ken Fisher, Diamond, Wednesday, July 10, 2024

 米国株は上昇を続け、懐疑的な人々を物ともせず、私が昨年12月に予想した通り(『24年の米国株、「目下の強気相場は終わらない」と米著名投資家ケン・フィッシャー氏が断言する理由』)、好リターンを見せている。 米S&P500株価指数は今年5月末までに米ドルベースで11.3%上昇し、世界株の9.5%上昇をけん引した。為替市場における日本円の妙な動きを無視しても、日本株は順調に上昇している――米ドルベースで7.0%だ。さらなるリターンが待っている――米国や日本、そして至る所で。

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Ken Fisher: Här är bolagen som driver tjurmarknaden högre

By Ken Fisher, Privata Affärer, Monday, July 8, 2024

Vilken sektor har gått bäst globalt 2024? Nu när AI är stekhett gissar många säkert på tech. Tech ligger mycket riktigt först, men bara knappt. Strax bakom, med alla andra långt på efterkälken, är kommunikationstjänster. Så vad är det här för sektor? Och kommer den fortsätta gå starkt? Det frågar sig miljardären Ken Fisher i sin andra krönika för Privata Affärer.

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