Financial Columnist

Ken Fisher is a regular contributor to several publications, including the New York Post in the United States; the Daily Telegraph in the United Kingdom; Australia’s most read newspaper, The Australian; Denmark’s leading business newspaper, Børsen; Ireland’s The Business Post; Singapore’s The Business Times; Taiwan’s Business Weekly; Caixin—often called the “Bloomberg of China”; Israel’s Calcalist; South Korea’s largest business paper, Chosun Weekly Biz; Japan’s Diamond Weekly; Spain’s largest business website and newspaper, elEconomista; Saudi Arabia’s Al Eqtisadiah; Mexico’s El Financiero; Germany’s Focus Money; Canada’s most read newspaper, The Globe and Mail; Switzerland’s leading business paper, Handelszeitung; the Hong Kong Economic Journal; Argentina’s Infobae; Belgium’s La Libre; the United Arab Emirates’ The National; France’s L’Opinion; Sweden’s Privata Affärer; Italy’s third-largest newspaper and number one business paper, Il Sole 24 Ore; the Netherlands’ largest newspaper, De Telegraaf; and Austria’s Trend.

Ken is perhaps best known for his "Portfolio Strategy" column in Forbes magazine, which ran from 1984 through 2016, making him the longest continuously running columnist in Forbes’ history. You can navigate the full history of Ken Fisher’s market calls through his writings in Forbes via the Ken Fisher interactive timeline.

Not all past forecasts were, nor future forecasts will be, as accurate as those presented here. Forecasts are Ken Fisher's personal forecasts of the overall market as published in Forbes and do not represent the performance of Fisher Investments. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing in securities involves the risk of loss.

Don’t fall for the impossibly dreamy market myth of ‘capital preservation’

By Ken Fisher, The Globe and Mail, Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time to “lock in” 2024′s stock market gains? With the TSX hitting sporadic new highs – and this summer’s volatility – many investors seemingly have twinges of acrophobia and are seeking “safety.” Hence, strategies offering equity-like growth and capital preservation may seem increasingly alluring.

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Just seven states stand in the way of a stock market rally

By Ken Fisher, The Telegraph, Thursday, October 17, 2024

How crazy can America’s presidential election be? After two abhorrent assassination attempts, wacky debates, incumbent President Joe Biden exiting the race, vacillating polls and more, investors from Liverpool to Little Rock fear there is crazier ahead.

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Markets hate big change: Ken Fisher

By Ken Fisher, Fox News, Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Fisher Investments founder and chair Ken Fisher discusses what a new president mean for stocks and your money on 'Your World.'

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Stocks respond little to the recent past or what might happen in a decade

By Ken Fisher, The Australian, Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Question: What do tepid Aussie GDP growth, the US Federal Reserve cutting rates while the Reserve Bank of Australia stubbornly holds, climate change, big tech antitrust battles, and a “baby recession” down under all have in common? Answer: None can have much real impact on stocks.

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רוצים להרוויח? תיפרדו מהקונספט של שימור הון

By Ken Fisher, Calcalist, Sunday, October 13, 2024

בימים כאלו, שבהם השווקים בעולם בכלל, ובישראל בפרט, מציגים תנודתיות גבוהה, האפשרות להשיג צמיחה בתיק ההשקעות תוך שימור ההון קוסמת לכל מי שמחפש ביטחון כלכלי. אבל האפשרות הזו אינה קיימת באמת. שימור הון פירושו ביטול התנודתיות. אלא שתנודתיות ושליליות הן לא מילים נרדפות. עלייה של 1% וירידה של 1% הן אותה תנועה בכיוונים הפוכים. ללא ירידה לעולם לא תהיה עלייה. ההיסטוריה מוכיחה שבכל הנוגע למניות, התנודתיות היא לרוב תנועה כלפי מעלה בטווחי זמן משמעותיים.

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Ken Fisher Darfor bor 2025 bli ett hyfsat borsar

By Ken Fisher, Privata Affärer, Thursday, October 10, 2024

Gåta: Vad är likheten mellan lågkonjunkturen i Sverige, klimatförändringarna, arbetslösheten i Sverige och USA, konkurrensmål mot teknikjättar, och födelsetalskrisen i Europa? Svaret: De kan inte påverka börsen särskilt mycket.

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By Ken Fisher, Business Weekly, Thursday, October 10, 2024

今年的美國總統大選有多瘋狂?自前總統川普二度遇刺,為夏季畫下句點,從苗栗到邁阿密的投資人都剉咧等。 然而,不管是爭得你死我活的辯論、劇烈波動的民調、候選人臨陣換將或其他戲劇性事件都無法撼動冷酷的股市。隨著不確定性消退,全球股市很快就會在年底前迎來一波漲勢,台股也不例外。

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Ken Fisher le elezioni Usa toglieranno incertezze dalle Borse effetti su Milano

By Ken Fisher, Il Sole 24 Ore, Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Il tentativo di omicidio. La sostituzione del candidato all’ultimo minuto. Sondaggi altalenanti. Cos’altro può succedere in questa turbolenta campagna elettorale americana? Gli investitori, da Bologna a Boston, temono il peggio. Tuttavia, alle azioni globali non interessano questi drammi. Il venir meno dell’incertezza dovrebbe favorirle fino alla fine dell’anno, spingendo al rialzo anche il Ftse MIB.

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